Tick Tock whacked her with his tail, causing her to yelp in extreme pain. At that point, the jealous stepsister old bo sun and the French white-haired butler were furiously rowing their boat as Tick Tock resurfaced with Tremaine still holding the mouth open. She fell upside down into the Croc's mouth, but her legs prevented her from being swallowed. She shot upwards, clutching her left bare foot in hopes of soothing the sore of her left foot. However, with a large, SNAP, the Croc bit Tremaine's right stocking and shoe. (As Drizella, Smee and Starkey try to row their boat, Tremaine tried to press her hands against the Crocodile.

She held hands while shouting for her daughter and two of Captain Hook's assistants.) Tremaine was rotated for us to see the seat to reveal her bloomers. Her dress is almost gone: her dress was almost completely eaten away, her dress lost both sleeves, parts of her bare legs were shown but it kept snapping. (As Drizella, Smee and Starkey started to row their boat, the evil stepmother managed to get a foothold of the Croc's mouth to keep it open. Smee and Gentleman Starkey, two of Hook's assistants, and Drizella, Tremaine's biological daughter stood by the rowboat cheering the evil stepmother.) Her husband, Prince Kit, was sitting on top of the ledge, hidden from the shadows. Now, she is wearing a white dress that is tattered and ruined, and like a loin cloth. Now Peter is going to foil Tremaine's plan in dorwning her step-daughter Cinderella, who is now tied up to the anchor that will be scheduled to drown her. She is also wearing a long sleeved crimson gown with a golden brooch near her neck that has a green gem on and it's collar is purple.

Tremaine also has gray hair worn in a high heart-shaped pompadour with a small light grey streak in the middle and green eyes. She has facial features, including a large, hooked nose that is similar to Maleficent. Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up, joined swords with Mario's youngest and tallest brother from the Mushroom Kingdom, Luigi, as the two vailently clashed swords with Cinderella's evil stepmother. ( The sound of metal clashing filled the cavern.