The files in this directory are necessary for the portable application to function. File App\AppInfo\appicon.ico does not contain all required formats ( refer to PAF specification).The " black and white Development Test Release splash screen" is required for Development Test releases.(In other words, this release is "Development Test 1" NOT "Release 1")
Manual Format validation performed by myself: failed with 10 errors and 3 warnings. You may have fixed "all the errors reported by the tool" (or at least the publicly released Alpha 1 version of it), but you did not fix all the errors reported by me (nor even all those reported by the latest source release of 'the tool'). File help.html does not follow the de-facto standard, I'm not sure if this matters or not.App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini: :ExtractIcon should be omitted as it is not (yet) supported.Recommended File App\AppInfo\appicon_128.png is missing.File App\AppInfo\appicon.ico contains non-standard formats.File App\AppInfo\appicon.ico does not contain recommended 256px True Color + Alpha PNG format.

This package requires more community testing before it will be ready to be an Official Release, and therefore should not yet have been posted to the Apps Ready For Official Release thread. Each version of BirdFont has been signed with gpg by Johan Mattsson, fingerprint CCEB9DD4.įixes error reported by Portable Development Toolkit You can find the latest release and release notes on. The package will be continuously updated when new versions of BirdFont are released. On its official webpage you can also find several tutorials and examples.Download BirdFontPortable_2.5.0_Dev_Test_1.paf.exe
The only program restriction is that you can only assign an SIL Open Font License to the fonts you create yourself, meaning you can’t edit proprietary fonts without acquiring the commercial version from BirdFont (which you can do online at any price you want above $1). You can even set a rasterized image as a lower layer to use as a reference, which is ideal for copying handmade fonts. This, along with the possibility to work over a grid and draw basic geometric figures to use for reference, makes BirdFont a robust tool to suit all sorts of users. By clicking on one of them you can go into the editor itself, where you’ll have a toolbar at the right of the screen to draw and manipulate vectors.Īs with any other vectorization tool, you can draw Bézier curves and manipulate the curvature points as desired, and can also draw segments freehand that will be softened automatically. The program’s main screen displays a grid with all the characters that make up the font in question alongside a preview image and the letter or symbol that corresponds to each. This is a free, fully functional program available for Windows, Mac, and Linux that lets you work with characters as if you were using a vector image editor. Whether you need to create your own fonts from scratch or edit already existing ones, BirdFont is one of the best tools available for the task.